Activists Occupy Lexhybos and Provide Tree Climbing Training in Protest Against Tree Felling for Chemelot Expansion

24 mrt , 5:55 News in English
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Rand Lexhy-bos aan de Urmonderbaan

On Saturday morning, approximately 20 activists from the action group "Save the Lexhybos," supported by various nature and environmental organisations, occupied the Lexhybos (the forest area situated between the Urmonderbaan and the Oude Postbaan).

Demonstrators climbed trees and are providing tree climbing training to people from the area. Parts of the Lexhybos may need to be cleared for the expansion of the Chemelot Campus. With this action, the activists want to urge the city council to include the protection of the entire forest area in the new Omgevingsvisie 2025-2040 (environmental vision) that will be discussed on 27 March. The occupation lasted until 16:00 and sent a strong signal against the destruction of this valuable forest area.

Nature Value of Lexhybos

The Lexhybos is part of the Limburg Nature Network and is an essential habitat for endangered species such as the green woodpecker, the mistle thrush, the badger, and the alpine salamander. The forest also has important functions, for example in migration routes. Despite previous demonstrations and repeated calls from residents and environmental organisations, the municipality of Sittard-Geleen has not sufficiently recognised the importance of the Lexhybos in the plans for the Environmental Vision 2040.

A Fight for Nature Conservation

"With this action, we want to make it clear once again that nature must be preserved and should not give way to economic interests!" says one of the occupiers. "If the current environmental vision is adopted, a unique piece of nature will disappear forever. In times of the nature and climate crisis, economic interests should not outweigh biodiversity and liveability."

The occupation of the forest follows an earlier demonstration and is part of a broader campaign against the expansion of the Chemelot Campus at the expense of nature. The activists call for sustainable solutions, such as redeveloping the existing built environment, instead of further deforestation.

In addition to the occupation, a demonstration march to the Lexhybos started from the Bloemenmarkt in Geleen-Lindenheuvel.